live the change you want to see
Swap Shop
Eventually, money will go away. In the meantime, why don't we start getting used to this idea?
How much stuff do you have cluttering up your house that you never use, but might be of value to someone else? A Swap Shop is an ideal place to take that clutter - bring what you can, take what you need. No waste, no exchange of money. NO JUNK, just quality working items that others might make use of when you no longer need them, or items you've made which will bring a smile to someone else.
We're currently looking for an ideal location to start our first Swap Shop. Below are some ideas of quality goods you might like to donate or take? And whilst we're still looking for the right location you can use Freecycle in the UK to pass your unwanted stuff on to others and pick up something you need.
Get in touch if you like this idea & feel you can help.