1. To support Humanity in reaching its full organic potential
- We are driven to never stop creating and improving
2. To support Humanity in living in our highest joy and excitement
- We consider any project that will support Source Energy
3. To create and support abundant opportunities for learning
- We will never stop learning and will support this in any way possible
4. To create beautiful spaces and buildings that inspire and to destroy brutal inhuman architecture
- Beautiful spaces feed the Soul
5. To always be in harmony with the planet and nature
- As we were originally created to be
6. To seek out and support optimum human health
- Whether diet or lifestyle, any project that supports optimum health
7. To eliminate pollution, protect and restore the Living Library and beauty of this planet
- We will endeavour to always be in harmony with our planet and all living things
8. To eliminate poverty in all its forms
- Poverty is inhumane and not our natural state
9. To nurture the Abundance Perspective
- We will help people relearn a new way of being with the aim to make money obsolete
10. To share and communicate our work and ideas so everyone may benefit
- Ubuntu – I am because we are – we are transparent in sharing ideas and best practice and encourage everyone to do the same