live the change you want to see

Core values

The Stellar Project

Natural Law

Love, kindness, empathy & understanding



Transparency, Honesty, Truth & Integrity

Non-judgement & Boundaries

Responsibility and Accountability

Autonomy, self-determination, authenticity, sovereignty, liberty

Empowerment of the individual & collective

Openess, curiosity and exploration

One size does not fit all

Life long learning

Reaching full potential

Humanitarian, compassionate & caring

Freedom of speech


Fun, joy, gratitude, passion & excitement


Collaboration, co-operation & open source

Thirst for knowledge, knowledge is power

Equal opportunities, not equality of outcome

Never do anything you don’t want to do, never make anyone else do something they don’t want to do, ask for what you need (Claude Steiner)

Equity -  just & fair


Nobody is better than nor below any other individual

A celebration of the uniqueness of each human being, their innate talents and the fact we all have something useful to offer, no matter our capacity

A deep love of nature, the planet and ecology

Source Energy