live the change you want to see


The Way of The Light - 

The basic message of every authentic Light Being who has blessed this earth is very simple, yet very profound:

~ There is nothing higher than you

~ Your spirit is one with Source, your Creator

~ You already know everything. No need for lessons

~ You are here for the experience

~ You have free choice and free will

~ The Point of Power is right NOW

~ Circumstances and events don’t matter. Your frequency is what creates the illusion of matter

~ The past need not have relevance in your future. Once your frequency has risen, your past exists on that higher frequency as a new past; a higher frequency past

~ Follow your heart, your highest excitement, and your frequency will rise

~ The higher your frequency, the more of you, your spirit, your vehicle will hold

~ The more of your light, your spirit, your body holds, the more inner gifts awaken

~ Duality exists as an experience… for those who choose

~ Peaceful neutrality is the spirit's natural state

~ You are unconditionally loved beyond your wildest imagination